Meeting my Made Coach
I want to be Made. I really like MTV reality shows that aren't about seven strangers. I loved the college Laguna Beach, whatever it was called. I obsess over True Life, and I like Made. I recently decided to place an application into MTV's electronic mail shute claiming my needing to be Made.
It went a little something like this.
Dear MTV,
I want to be Made. I'm already good looking and a ballerina. I did BMX but still can't pull a 720 fakie from a transistional, but that doesn't keep me up at night. I made my high school football team and was a sensation in drama, but what alludes me is gambling. I wanna be made into a bookie. For the bookie has a job with great hours and Italian suits. Usually they live in big pro sports areas and know some players. Also they like strippers, and usually know the old ones. That might not be bad. So MTV make me into a bookie, or a shylock.
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