Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A Lot of Speakers Speak

Hey Hey My My its been awhile.

I'm back to give my fair true readers a little insight into the last week.

I flew to DC saw Wilco (again) and took in a Nationals game, and some hot weather. Good hospitatlity from my buddies Hap and Nora, Thanks.

Came back with a little cold and took a couple of days off from the 'puter.

About the Wilco. Very, Very good show. The best outdoor Wilco show I've seen. This being number three. And certainly in the top five of all time, of seven. I don't want to rank them, but this one kicked some serious butt. Airline to Heaven, a Guthrie, Wilco, and Bragg concoction along with Sunken Treasure, Kingpin( duh ), and the covers of Something in the Air and I Shall Be Released were absolute highlights.

The Roots opened the night by blarring over a microphone and over emphasizing base. I don't like rap live. I just can't understand it. I'm so white its embarrassing. I really did like their back up singer, and instrumentation, but Black Thought, I'm sorry dude I barely understood a word. ?uestlove is something to behold. He is like a cartoon character until you see him in the flesh. For the audiophiles, Vernon Reid played guitar, makes since he's from DC I believe.

Merriweather Pavillion was cool also. Ever been to one of those outdoor shows and get saturated with corporate logos? No different here. Ever go to one of those outdoor shows and get saturated with art, goofy concession stands, awkward barns, and sarcasm? Didn't think so. You must check it out if you're in the area. It makes you feel good.

Last I want to say one thing about Tom Cruise. You So Crazy.


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