Note to Self, Buy Sunscreen
I have made a decision. I figured about a month ago that I am 18 months from shaving my head due to my male pattern baldness. Granted I am not currently folically panicked. I am however challenged. My hair has receeded dramatically in the last ten years since high school. I also promised myself I would never sport one of those cuts that leave the top of the head bald and the rest hairy. No side hair only. I promised myself I would shave my head. The time has come to buy a Wahl and start cutting.
I figure I have a year left maybe two like I hypothesized, but I am tired of looking at it and trying to make it messy, to look cool and hairy. I have been looking at guys with bald heads and studying what they do. My models are Kelly Slater, Jason Statham, Dave Matthews, and Robbie Williams. I don't know if I will go that short, but I'm tempted.
I have however decided to make a photodocumentary of my haircut. This is my transition from hair to no hair. This is decision that I will look back on and say was the day I lost my hair. Sure I've had buzz cuts before, but come Tuesday it will be my new look. I figure being pro-active towards my hairline will show itself as a good decision, if not, well it will grow back, in most places.
Also for those into Wilco, visit the videos from KCRW.
Those into Ben Harper do the same at and watch the video for With My Two Hands.
You Da Man
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