Sunday, June 05, 2005

One for Me One for You


What's is goin' on brothers and sisters?

I got some Coldplay jammin' in preperation for Coldplay week 1. With Coldplay week 2 to happen in Sept. New album in okay, it isn't the immediate jolt of greatness A Rush of Blood to the Head was. Its decent though. You can hear it on's The Leak. Coldplay is by far my second favorite band, because they do things the right way. Anthemic, arena rock for the twenty something.

Speaking of Coldplay week, I got another Wilco week coming up in late June, I'll be in DC the 24th to the 27th. I'm gonna be hanging out with the star instrumentalist from Franko Jazz for sure.

Watched Shallow Grave yesterday. That is one edge of your seat freakin' movie. I don't usually like horror movies, but this was a Twilight Zone/Hitchcockian style thriller with a great story, and one of my new all time favorite things in film. The story goes like this, roomates (2 guys and a girl, no pizza place) need a new roomie, so they get one who subsequently dies of an overdose, and leaves a trunk full of money. Pop quiz hotshot! What do you do? Well they cut that bastard up and bury him. From here their paranoia, and mutual distrust send the film into a powerful ride.

My favorite part of the movie involves an important plot point so I won't elaborate. But it has to do with the bad guys and a roomate, and the end result. I was shocked to the edge of feakin loosing it.

Anyway, Shallow Grave, by Danny Boyle (Trainspotting, The Beach, 28 Days Later and soon Millions). Good for those who need to see Ewan McGregor outside of Tatooine.

I have been listening to tons of Jack Johnson lately, and wanted to know what he was down with, and who his peers were so, besides G. Love check this out.

Katie Earl--Silence
Citizen Cope--Bullet and a Target
Donovan Frankenreiter--Free


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