Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Clinky Clinky Drinky Drinky

I watched Sideways last night and really didn't know what I thought of it until this morning. I liked it and didn't like but one of the main characters. I despised Jack, played by Thomas Church, in a good performance, but one of complete philandery. I was pissed off at Miles for stealing from his mother, so much so that the entire movie I waited for him to redeem himself by paying her back, and he never did. Thankfully he didn't. He is an alcoholic, he is depressed enough and lowly enough that he will steal to get the fix.

Who I did like was Maya, a divorced waitress/student and wine lover. She was a magnificent person that Miles has loved secretly for years. Now he is finding his chance while his over the top buddy is scoring with her friend. Granted this is Jack's bachelor party and he chooses to use this week as a tail hunt. Miles uses it as an excuse to drink.

What makes this work is the realness in the relationships and characters. They aren't lovable in that George Clooney way. Clooney can rob banks, and casinos and all you want to do is be there with him. Miles and Zack, only cheat and steal, and you feel sorry for one and laugh at the other.

I gotta say though, Giamatti really almost won me back after stealing nearly $1000. And I think we can thank him and Alexander Payne, who made us like Tracy Flick even though she was as detestable a person as Miles. Sideways accomplishes a few things many films cannot. It makes you care for bad people, it tells a great story over a couple of days that gives you insight into the past and future, and it makes a character out of an object. Wine, especially, pinot got fifth billing for this picture. Never has wine been so eloquently described (even when it isn't necessarily about wine).

William Goldman was shockingly ahead of his time, writing a movie very nearly like this one, only failing like he had never failed before. IMDb this:

Like I said he was ahead of his time. Still reading some of his books will show you that he is still hurt by this failure. He loved this story and for it not to work, probably slowed his career and ultimately has killed it, although I figure he's ghost written a few things.

Songs for the Readers
Clint Eastwood - Gorillas
Crazy on You - Heart
Army of Me - Bjork
Panama - Pat Boone --- I don't support murder except in certain situations.


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