Good Cop-Bad Cop Without the Good Cop
I've got a pretty good run going now. After seeing Spanglish and loving it, I watched Narc last night, and this morning. Not twice, I was exhausted so I found a stopping point and went to sleep. Narc was exceptional. It was one I wanted to see in the theatre because it just looked so cool, and it was very cool. It features two really dirty bad cops, that are ultraviolent. Jason Patric and Ray Liotta in landmark performances. Easily Patric's best since Rush, in my Netflix "Q", and Liotta's craziest since he was getting chased by helicopters. The thing about Narc is, it hooked me in the first five minutes with an amazing handheld chase sequence where the end result is Patric's character shooting at a suspect hitting him and a bystander. The bystander is a pregnant woman who absolutely gushes blood from her thigh. Sounds overly gruesome, it is, and its probably accurate. Its done in a way that feels too real.
Narc is set apart from the other partner movies by having both of these guys be serious. There isn't a Wilson brother to turn this into 48 Hrs. The film is dark, shot dark, written dark and acted with mystery. It's one of those you know whodunit, but how did they do it? That keeps you engaged until the fall happens.
Easily one of the better movies of the cop genre lately.
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