Hey, Hey Sake Time
What is going on?
Last night saw the Blue Dogs at a big outdoor happy hour for pretty 30 year olds. Good time. They played their hits. If you like the Counting Crows, and don't know much about the Blue Dogs give them a chance. They're pretty good. Probably my consistently favorite local act.
Tonight, I write following Hibachi style Japanese food. I gotta rip on these places for a few minutes. First: Whoopee you get lots of food. And typically you get high on food, entertainment and rice wine, good. You always have to end up singing a stupid song, especially one about sake Time. I would rather be in a German Sausage Factory singing bar songs and crashing steins into one another. Or down Mexico way slammin' margaritas to some four string ukelee music. Hate the sake song. Whatever happened to good old normal people who like to eat and drink in solitude.
Next thing I hate, and call me a snob, but I don't like the idea that these people flick food all over the place. It's cool when it doesn't hit the floor or the guy at the next trough. You shouldn't have to be in a constant state of Orange on the flying lemon scale.
And let's just talk about the food. How bad is this stuff, that I need it to be soaked in teriyaki then dipped in mayo. It freaks me out to see someone dip teriyaki chicken into "white sauce", and don't get me started on the title. When you're at home do you put mayo on your rice, so why did you do it tonight?
Now don't get me wrong I've done all of the above. I'm not perfect, I just enjoy pointing out the flaws in the system. Funny thing is I keep going back, probably because I am a glutton for punishment, having memorized nearly fifty episodes of Saved By the Bell word for word.
So tonight I sleep with a belly full of filet mignon, shrimp, squash, onion, and rice, oh yeah the freakin' rice. I won't really need to eat again for ten days, got to love America, where you can over eat to the point of being uncomfortable and have leftovers.
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