Saturday, April 30, 2005

I knew I should have turned left in Albaquerque

I am a confessed news junkie. I have been paying what I would call a moderate amount of attention to the runaway bride story. By moderate I mean I searched the tv and internet for news as needed only maybe three times a day. You should see me during the DC sniper stuff, I sat up at night, waiting, waiting for the next shooting. Ooh that was when I knew I had a problem. The stuff got to me too much. Thanks Al Queda.

Anyway this whole Runaway Bride thing has my noggin swirling around the possibility that this is a giant conspiracy further than just poor little crazy nervous bride. Could her bridesmaids have known that she was gonna take a few days away? I doubt it, but that would make this turn in another different direction. Could she have another relationship she needed to end? I doubt it. Was she depressed and completely freaked out by the gargantuan size of today? Prolly.

Suggested listening for blue states: Ready to Run by the Dixie Chicks, unless you smashed your CD's a few years ago, its funny now that when you look back on it not so many people will admit to being pissed at them. If Cletus the Slackjawed Yokel had said the same about Clinton as we went into Chechneya or Somolia, many would have laughed and agreed.

Moving on I hear they are dropping latin.

Did you know that the new movie Fever Pitch is a remake? I had no clue, I'm not as sharp as I used to be, what with like work being more of a priority now. Yeah Colin Firth was a long suffering Arsenal fan, whatever that means. I'm American where football, means football. I guess the word pitch can have a duel meaning.
In case you don't know Mr. and Mrs. Smith is also a remake. The movie now expected to do major business outside of its target audience, due to its co-stars, Brad and Angelina. This really should get moved up in the release cycle, but I figure there will be some media bombs yet to be dropped to help this one out, as if it needs it. If this one is any good, look for 175 million plus. Doug Liman hasn't made a bad movie so expect it. But anyway, yes a remake of Al Hitchcock's 1941 film. His was a comedy. This one looks tongue in cheek.

I've had two cups of coffee and I need more!!!!!!! AGHHHH! I don't like where this is going.

Anyway have a fun Saturday, its gonna rain here and nothing on my tv, so I guess I'll be watching some Meet the Barkers.

For you Red Staters, Runaway by Del Shannon

Hap this is perfect for your Wedding Album.


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