Never Meanin' No Harm
My peeps,
I just watched the Dukes of Hazzard trailer, and it was everything you could expect. Too much Jessica Simpson and not enough car stuff. That's what made that show great, as the car chases and silly action. This is steeped in silly humor, but see it for yourself.
I did however recently watch Schindler's List. Whoo HOO! That was a life changer. I'm sure most people on the planet earth that speak english or hebrew have seen it, so I won't bore you with what I thought about how they did this or how great that was, what I do want to say is that I have a new appreciation for Liam Neeson, and Ralph Finnes. But an even great appreciation for Ben Kingsley, that little bald man was superb.
Now I'm watching Blue Crush and I feel good again.
Did anyone see Tom Cruise on Oprah? I missed most of it, but I did see the hyped moment where he brought main squeeze Katie Holmes out from the "green room"(industry word for kickass waiting room). It was very well acted, if it was an act. They seem genuine, but I still doubt it. The reason I ask is because of that moment where Katie Holmes, mouths I LOVE YOU to Tom Cruise. It seemed real, and it makes me wonder does anyone else see that he is kinda using the old boxing trick, stick and move.
I'm older than my friends. Sure there are friends older than me, but most of my friends are my age or younger. Last night hung out with the young ones. They still do shots that are mixed. I can't stand it anymore. I took four or five shots last night and only one of them had any taste, but it was also the one that put my manhood to test. Grand Marnier, an orange liqueur, defeated me. According to the bartender, Charleston drinks more Grand Ma than any other city. I don't believe that, but it makes for good conversation whilst listening to frickin' rap in a place where I get ID'd but looked at the kid checking, and think I would'nt sell this guy cigarettes.
Youth of a Nation POD
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