Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Moment Please

I hate to blog twice in one day, but I feel it necessary to put my thoughts to a saved place for my own benefit.

The Terry Schiavo case is keeping me up tonight, watching the debates from the House in a special session designed to create a federal review of Florida's Supreme Court decision to follow through with the desires of Terry Schiavo, a woman in a persistant vegetative state for the last fifteen years.

What confuses me is why Republicans will trump their core beliefs of personal freedom, personal choice and their promises not to invade lives with legislation, only to appease their religious beliefs.

On the other hand, she isn't on life support. She breathes on her own, her heart pumps blood and oxygen to her brain. Isn't it wrong to remove food from her diet to ultimately end her life? I don't like the idea of creating a living will and having something like "feeding tube" being debated as life support.

Separation of powers is being violated. The Supreme Court will not let that stand. This is simply a debate on ideology, and the conservatives don't like the latest blow. What will this, if it passes, open the doors to?


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