If its in the game....
I visited my local record store and got out for under sixty bucks.
Picked up:
Kings of Leon Aha Shake Heartbreak, heard it on Rhapsody, pretty good.
Idlewild The Remote Part, used, and a steal at $6.00. Good Scottish rawk.
Bob Dylan Bring it All Back Home, used. I collect Dylan records.
Led Zeppelin In Through the Out Door, used. I haven't bought a Led Zeppelin album in twelve years.
Jim Croce's Greatest Hits, used. I love Jim Croce, it dates back mainly to college when my roomate Jason had this on vinyl. I miss vinyl. Good songwriter, nay great songwriter.
Allison Moorer Show, DVD + CD. I think the world of her. Like Lucinda Williams but looks like a redheaded Marcia Brady. So hot, and really talented.
How 'bout them Gamecocks. Gonner finally came through, I couldn't be happier. In other Gamecock news, Brian Roberts makes an "In the Game" appearance for EA Sports new baseball game. I believe the exact quote is "I'm in the game!" Which is, I'm sure, a pleasant surprise to B Rob. Too bad Drew Meyer isn't. That dude is like totally failing in the minors. He is no longer on a minor league roster. Too bad he went to school. Had he left high school for the Dodgers he'd be a millionaire. Oh well, they like to say at least he got and education, but people I've seen him. He didn't get much of an education.
Let's Steal the Sun...Allison Moorer
Little Discourage...Idlewild
Everybody Knows this is Nowhere...Neil Young and Crazy Horse
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