Monday, August 29, 2005

I am not a "holla" back anything....

Let me understand something here:

Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani has the word shit in it 34 times. Who is her target audience? Latin Gansters in Oakland, or Italian club dancing thugs? According to the only portal I have to real life, Laguna Beach, the girls there like her. No offense to either, but I thought she might be looking at cashing in on the 12-17 year old girls.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying that what she is doing is wrong, or right...I am just a shade surprised that such a song appears on an album I pigeon holed as teen pop. A song like this belongs on The Game's next lp. Maybe I listen to too much Jack Johnson and Coldplay and harken back to the days where subtle sexuality was what drove a band, and its audience. Where have you gone Mick Jaggar? Oh crap that's right you're still here and creeping the bejesus out of the 12-17 year old girls, singing that your shit is bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s! Because it is, not but bananas.


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