Saturday, September 03, 2005

World on Fire

What can you say about the situation in the Gulf Coast states?

That is the question I keep posing to myself, believing that there is therapy through writing on this site. I could go on and on ad naseum, and still leave some thoughts out, but here are a few.

The obvious are this: Local government and state government were to blame for the lack of evacuation, as was extreme poverty and ignorance. Knowing that portions of your city are below sea level, undereducated and under financed wouldn't you think the Mayor and Governor would forceably evacuate many from their homes. Anyone choosing to stay should be given that right and forgotten about. Imagine that your plate has a steak, baked potato, and a salad. The steak seemingly comprises 33% of your meal, but it doesn't its actually almost 50% as it is larger and more fulfilling to eat. This is what happened in New Orleans to the lower class it got swallowed in water, after not being properly evacuated. Another thing the state government needs to stand responsible for is the security of their state. From "police" looting, and walking off the job to the Nat'l Guard not being deployed as soon as possible.

First the Police. I cannot deal with the way these cops acted. From watching them loot to them leaving the battle as it got tough. My former police chief acted responsibly during Hugo, a Cat 4 hurricane that dismantled the lowcountry of South Carolina especailly in Charleston County. His responsiblity lie with in the city limits, where a direct hit was suspected. From morning to night he was involved, evacuating police families and working the streets.

Second, deploy the National Guard lady!!! I don't get how the news media who were in Pascagula or Baton Rouge or Biloxi can appear in New Orleans. Helicopters? I'll give you that, but I bet many drove in on some semi passable roads. Roads the National Guard should be clearing, and in cities like New Orleans they should be securing, especially with its sorry police history and situation.

The Federal government has failed as well. In the chain of command you must lie some blame on the desk of the President. His job is as delegator of his department heads, those folks in homeland security, especially Michael Chertoff need to shoulder some of the blame as well. If you are not satisfied with the way things are going in New Orleans, step in this isn't about school vouchers. Was Bush's extended vacation not cut short enough? Should his speech in San Diego have been cancelled. No to both. The federal government failed in a portion of the aftermath.

Is there racism involved in the decision making? Yes and no. Yes I believe if this happened in Orange County or West Palm Beach there would be less violence and much less looting. That would have called for less need for armed security prompting quicker response. Is the base of that race, no its wealth. The looters have been predominately black because New Orleans is predominately black and poor. The wealthy are eating canned goods they saved. Unfortunately the poor eat check to check and well it's the last of the month, you figure it out.

No there wasn't racism at play when it came evacuation time. I knew there was a storm, and I would have heeded my government's request even if I didn't trust it. I trust weather. Ignorance is not a definition of race. Ignorance is it's own animal. These poor people aren't self starters and did not prepare for such and emergency, but how could you on such meager substance.

I need to quit writing and go to bed, but I leave you temporarily with a few thoughts.

I am more than likely going to seek a federal job in emergency management. I may go back to school if its recommended. I don't think I can offer anything other than my effort, and willingness to help. I can't stand sitting on the sidelines. I might not know 1/100 of what it takes to do any of these folks job, but I can make coffee and phone calls. I can pass out water.

I was moved by 9-11, and the Tsunami and now I am moved by consumes me. I don't understand the way my mind works, but I want to be there. I want to cut down trees and rebuild that city. I wanted to go to Sri Lanka and clean up. I need to get involved in these style tragedies or I will feel like I didn't answer a calling.

I don't discuss specifics of what I do to make things better, but I will tell you I have written out several emails, still editing before I send them, to my congresspeople and state law makers, begging them to make our preparedness a priority. I am requesting a few things and offering an idea I had to be drafted into law. My idea, may not be good, but I think its important. So I offer it and hope that each of you who read my blog or are reading for the first time ask your government to make the situation in New Orleans a priority along with your own disaster preparedness.

Biloxi....Jimmy Buffett
World On Fire...Sarah Maclachlanlan...I offered this during the Tsunami, and really just love this song. She doesn't get enough credit. Give Fumbling Towards Ecstacy another try.


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