Saturday, January 15, 2005

Thank You Very Little

Today we set the record straight on a few things.

First, I am soon going to be 28 and may have lost a step, but still feel I can out run most dogs. Not in an open field and not on a track, but certainly at a mall or in a neighborhood. I can get away from almost all dogs.

Second, I don't fully believe in baseball stats pre-WWII. The reasons are two fold. Sports journalists were not national, thus within their region they had only a small audience of fans. Those fans didn't make road trips, but the journalists did and could ultimately write any story they choose. You can't fake the score but you can fake the stats. I'm not at all saying it happened but it is possible. No one would question the home favorite's stats. You think anyone from Brooklyn looked at Duke Snider and questioned his fielding percentage? Well I don't, and I certainly don't believe that a reporter who's job it was to cover the team would write false stories, but it could have happened. So you have your possibly crooked journalists, what is the other reason? Who kept stats? The team and submitted them to the league. He got a triple and advanced home on a throwing error, like hell, that's a homer. Not saying it ever happened at all, but isn't it possible? Is it possible today? Absolutely not. Every game is on TV of some sort, every game has a league official stat dude (I don't think I can spell statistician), and well fans now call into CBS and complain that a golfer grounded his club in an out of bounds after a dog barked causing said golfer to lose the lead.

Third, one on one, no holds barred a man from Texas beats a man from Harlem 75% of the time. Certainly there are exceptions, but by and large Texas opens a sixer of whoop ass on Harlem. And that's not a race related statement. The discussion began from a same race show down.

A few other bits whilst I am thinking of it. Michelle Wie is hot. I'm sorry she's fifteen and I shouldn't say that blah blah blah... What I really shouldn't say is's her waist. She has a good set of hips..okay I really need to move on.

Speaking of stats earlier, do you ever pay attention to NBA stats? I like to look every now and then. Some time ago a new stat was invented. It's called efficiency. It was invented for Kevin Garnett. He has never lost the lead and probably won't for a long time. Here is the interesting thing. Players that score highly in efficiency fill a stat sheet. Rebounds, points, blocks, assists etc. Long story short, the best guys are in this category, but they are mostly big men which is why this is so interesting. LeBron James has been in the top five all year. He is by far the smallest player to be listed in two years.

Well, it's couch time. Enjoy these songs for the rest of the day....

Don't Give Up on Me, Solomon Burke They, Jem Sad Songs and Waltzes, Cake Go West, Liz Phair Out of Control, U2.

Chillin' like Bob Dylan....


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