The Simple Life
Mis Amigos,
Somehow or another Vincent Gallo has found another bizarre way of entering the public eye. This guy began a promising film career in Buffalo '66. A film about a psychopath that pursues former Buffalo Bills kicker Scott Norwood to assasinate him for missing the field goal in the Super Bowl against the Giants. It was actually a pretty good movie. Since then however he has made some awful pieces of crud. Ebert called his latest, Brown Bunny, the worst movie ever screened at Cannes. Others went as far as to say the worst they have ever seen. Yet others found it to be aueteur filmmaking in its purest form. So Brown Bunny for those of you who are the uninitiated features a penultimate sequence of the Gallo character getting his Lil' Vinnie mouthified by Chloe Sevingy. Okay so I say that and you may think it is delicately hidden, oh no it isn't. It is the first of its kind. Now he teams up with wanton Paris Hilton in a seemingly internet only video. She is decked in bra and panties and spinning on a lazy susan for approx 2 minutes. See it here....Brown Bunny clips you can search on your own...
I hope for your sake it is still there.
Celebrity ain't what it used to be.
Enjoy some Ben Folds Five Where's Summer B?, Alice Childress, Narcolepsy
Hasta la luego
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