Thursday, September 22, 2005

Cock it and Pull it

Comcast Cable is the devil. I hate me some Comcast. I lost cable on the night of 9-20 it returned 27hrs later. These are only the hours I'm aware of my disservice.

Cobie Smulders is my new #1. As if you couldn't tell I like brunettes.

Is there a good radio song out now? I really dug the new Jack Johnson stuff, Coldplay, U2, Kelly Clarkson....but there are no hits out there I hear over and over that I like. Oh except Fall Out Boy's Sugar We're Goin' Down...

Anyone notice how much charity Americans are involved in now? I'm but 28 years old, so my experience is limited. I'd say that Americans are giving in record numbers not just because the statistics from Katrina vs. 9-11 prove it....because do you remember the tsunami. I bugged out when President Bush gave a very small amount of aid. I wasn't alone, we united and gave in record. It was my first charitible contribution of anything more than a couple of bucks. But it hit me in away I'd never been affected before.

Do you think we all know someone affected by 9-11? Tsunami? or Hurricane Katrina? This isn't a bragging point, but I know someone affected by each. My extended family in New Orleans lost their home and one lost a job considering it was also destroyed. During the tsunami in the pacific I had a college friend taking her holiday for Christmas, that sent pictures...stating only Phuket (Tsunami Photos)...That was weird. Oh and my cousin.... this mofo has seen some stuff lately. He is practicing law now, but previously he followed his wife through her education, Opthamology. Including Nepal, a completely other story...he was evacuated during a political emergency. Previous to Nepal he was a government employee in DC who would call on the Pentagon daily, including of course 9-11-01...It seems strange to me that he hasn't published his memoir yet.

Everybody Hates Chris tonight....

I watched Crash...didn't like it, 21 Grams...didn't like loss.

Arrested Development though was top notch....

Until the next time: Pull out Sgt. Pepper's Lonley Hearts Club Band and find Lovely Rita, while you're at it listen to Fixing a Hole...


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