Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Man at His Best

I've gotten to a point where high speed cable isn't fast enough.

Much slower is Esquire Magazine. It sits there and doesn't move all month long. Not true. I subscribe to Esquire and like it a ton. I look forward to each issue, but this month has out done itself. Two of my favorite issues are The Esky Awards (music related) and the Most Dubious Achievement Awards (stupid people, news of the weird usually like 10 pages)...

Anyway this month, besides the usual Answer Fella (dumb guys ask if its weird that they eat hot dogs dipped in ants while wearing blue high heels) Stacey Grenlock Woods Sex Advice, Food, Clothes, and Culture, with a nice Chuck Klosterman essay about metal and basketball mixed in for good measure. This time around they've included some great Esky's, a bit about the totally craveable Isla Fisher, an interesting article about the soot or dust or air disruption at ground zero on 9-11, and article about Chuck Hagel, and my favorite pitcher Barry Zito (just as I'm ready to publicly announce my divorce from the SF Giants, an18 year relationship, they tug me back in by signing a real pitcher. Not to mention a little pub for one of my five favorite bands Kings of Leon.

Well I've got some reading to do, but I highly recommend this month's copy if nothing else, it can serve as your introduction.

Kick Push...Lupe Fiasco
Pop Song 89..REM
Shambala...Beastie Boys


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