Tuesday, February 27, 2007


American Idol sucks bad this year. I hated all but two performances. I thought I wouldn't even watch and then caved in. I think I'm done though, its just not my bag anymore. I quite like pop music, but I prefer it sung well.

On the subject of singing well, Neko Case is my new obsession. Her voice exceptional. She has an old fashioned one mic hollar type style that you just cannot find in current styles. Its something you have to hear maybe to understand, but trust in your author, its powerful.

Her songwriting is bleak and sorrowful, which I like. Happy songs are good too, but come on who really can stand excessive joy. Case writes as if she's been in love and had her lover murdered on their honeymoon. Her style can range from etherial to down right twangy, always strong.

I guess I haven't commented on the Oscars either...They Sucked. The broadcast sucked I guess. I didn't have any problems with the way the awards went. I pretty much predicted everything, although I think the conspiracy theorist in me came out a little while I worried about Stephen Frears winning Best Director. If you really think about it Clint Eastwood deserved Best Director by a mile. Scorsese did what he always does...Clint dumped out two neo-epics virtually at the same time. I could write for hours on the genius that is Clint Eastwood...I swear I never appreciated him until recently. The guy is really special. If he was just a director he would be a Hollywood legend, but the guy changed cinema as an actor. He has had three full careers in 50 years. I love him and continue to research his work.

Anyway enough of all this. I'm sure something big will pop up this week to inspire some commentary...right now its lamesville though....

Sugar, Sugar....The Archies
Rubber Ball...Cyrcle
I don't know anymore songs that are so cheery...


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