Tuesday, January 25, 2005

I Heart Allison Moorer

Tonight I write with a beauty mark on my hand. That great little stain from a rubber stamp at your local rock club. I entered the doors with pretty high expectations and luckily they were exceeded. Not only was Steve Earle and the Dukes great, the crowd was appreciative and welcoming, and the opening act was fabulous.

Allison Moorer is truly a fresh face in country music. This girl is so sexy and really really good. She is a great singer and seems to be a songwriter. Turns out she's Shelby Lynne's sister. Well as many people think Shelby Lynne is hot, they need to see Allison Moorer. By far one of my all time favorite openers. Earle had her join his band for five songs which gives you some idea of what he thinks of her. I actually wonder if they are dating or married. I can't say that I know.

The night had a bizarre enough beginning when I walked by Steve Earle on his bus. I just looked up and there he was smoking out of the window. I said "Hey" he said "Hey". Even more strange. When exiting the Farm, I walked by Allison Moorer and barely knew it. It's cold here and she bundled up. But I looked back and people were attacking her as she slipped onto their bus.

For those who are new to Allison Moorer, check out her album; Show. Its a live record covering her career up to 2004. Good Stuff.

On to the beef of the evening. I saw Earle was playing about a month ago and jumped on tickets. So this has been a long time coming. I forgot until a few minutes ago that I've seen Steve Earle before. I may have been taking a leek, but at Farm Aid 96 he played an afternoon set. Forgot totally. So this was a huge check on that list of who I must see live.

Earle is a radical liberal and you get it put in your face at his shows. He rallies for the crowd to protest in the streets and sing loud enough for the fella's in DC to hear you. All in all political message or not he makes great country rock music. If you uninitiated you should certainly listen to his Greatest Hits and then The Revolution Starts....Now and Jerusalem. Jerusalem was his commentary on 9-11 and the war on terror. The Revolution....... is all over the Iraq War, and the major players, including a reggae song for Condi Rice.

Tonight the setlist included no greatest hits save, Guitar Town, Transcendental Blues, and Copperhead Road. Surprisingly his political songs are extremely crowd friendly. They aren't bubblegum, but straight ahead rock and roll in its truest form. Buddy Holly, The Beatles, The Stones, would all be proud.

Speaking of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. We were treated to covers of Revolution, from the White Album, Sweet Virginia from Exile on Main Street and Time Has Come Today, by the Chamber Brothers, which Earle covers on Jerusalem rather poorly.

Anyway I've always heard of bands playing for three hours. Tonight was the first time I saw it happen. Not including the opening act, Earle and the Dukes played from 10:15 to 1:00. I guess that isn't three hours but its close.

It's getting late. Now near 2am and I usually get up by 6am everyday. So I should go.

Great start to the live music year. Next up two Wilco shows. One in Myrtle Beach one in DC, Frock I'll be lookin' for ya.....

Some Steve Earle I hope you haven't heard:
Jerusalem, Home to Houston, and The Revolution Starts....Now, other goodies Goodbye's All We Got Left, and You're Still Standing There, Christmas in Washington.

Allison Moorer stuff: A Soft Place to Fall, Is It Worth It?

sleepy time


At 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo, chump. Jim Brantley aqui. Nice writin'. Rob Weber just emailed me and said that you have a blog now, so instead of responding to him I followed the link here. I guess I'll write Rob back later (if you're reading this, sorry Rob). Finneyfrock mentioned your blog a week or two ago, but I never got the address from him. How's the store treating you? I've got a script that I wrote that I'd love for you to read and give me your opinions and insight on. Do you have Final Draft? Email me sometime at: mijnaysium@hotmail.com . You ever hear from Slider? I emailed him a couple of times after my wedding, but we've slacked off recently. If you have his address, please pass it on as well. Also, what 'cha think about Big Spur? I hope he treats us as well as he treated Duke and Florida. Sorry for all the random thoughts. Later, Jim.

At 9:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob should have my cell number so give me a holler when you roll in. Is Hap up here? Rob said so, but I didn't get anything from an email I sent him.

Condi Condi's been in heavy rotation for me over the last coupld months. That's a great song.


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