Betcha Can't Read Just One
Been a while, but I'm back for you full time.
I finally started a new job today. I lived the life of a struggling couch potato for far too long. I must have watched fifty movies, make that 75 movies during my hiatus. It was great for my Netflix Q. I can't remember how to spell queue..that might be right.
Anyway I've since watched a few television series front to back and short of 100 movies. I read four books, had hernia surgery, went on five or so interviews, saw five college basketball games, ate about 4 jars of peanut butter, and moved back to Charleston. Not bad for a quarter of a year. I'm sure I'm forgetting some cool stuff.
I'll tell you this much it sucks having no income. I recommend that everyone considering leaving a job, look for another one first. I on the other hand, didn't go this route. I thought I'd need a bunch of time to devot to the search. I was wrong. I got a job within the industry I was in. I could have easily left my grocery store for the one interview a week I was on to meet with the folks with the chip company.
Anyway this is week one in the new house, and week one at the new home, of Frito Lay. Excited and ready to get to work, on both the house and a new career. For those wondering, yeah still renting, hoping to buy in one year, but this is going to hopefully work into a fun house...its summer in Charleston. I cannot think of better.
Listening to the new Wilco a bunch...its really laid back and compared to the last two records its stripped down and unaffected. On the other pole, the new Kings of Leon seems strange and uncharted. Looks as if the boys are testing new waters and getting a little more experimental. Haven't heard the whole album, but will tomorrow.
Not much else. I'll throw some tunes and comeback for you soon.
Jeffery Gaines...Hero in Me
Tom Petty...Room at the Top
Steely Dan...Night by Night
what's up bro. Been a while since we chatted. Hope Frito is going ok.
We will reconnect shortly down the road.
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