Wednesday, January 26, 2005

My Back Pages

I started watching The Warriors today. Supposed to be a great cult flick about NY Gangwarfare. It features two very famous lines. One Shaq ripped "Can You Dig It!!!", and another I think found its way into a metal song, maybe Anthrax, "Come out to playeyay".

Anyway I think I should be a film critic in my next life because I only watched five minutes of this one and had an idea. Forty-five minutes later I felt even more passionately about it. The Warriors is a song and dance musical of the fifties without the songs or dances. It features more choreography than any 70's disco movie. Guys run and jump like they were in a Rodgers and Hammerstein. Anyway its a silly movie, which lends itself well to being a cult hit.

While on the subject of movies and film, a subject I can talk about for hours, I've been planning an experiment based on Joe Queenan's from a book he wrote about five years ago. He went to a movie a week, and then wrote about his thoughts about that movie. But what he did was destroy every movie he watched, looking for flaws in continuity to bad acting to sheer stupid actions. Making each experience worse than the first. My thought was to go to the film that is most hyped every week. The one with the most commercials on TV, playing in the most local theatres, and with the greatest print ad space. The objective is to first go to as many mainstream movies as possible, see how many of these movies I actually enjoy, and study what it takes to make audiences go to the movies.

I also think it would be good practice for that future career in film review. So hell maybe I should start posting a movie review of my personal faves every week, for kicks...of course.

If you do want to enjoy a quick read see this by Queenan:

I am looking forward to another Hollywood debunking book:

But what I actually am reading, and hoping will cause many nightmares, so far only three chapters down and I figure I shouldn't read this "on a dark and stormy night":

Seacrest Out


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