Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Long Way to go Short Time to Get There

I figure I should just start saying everything that comes to my mind. Today I started wondering why I haven't seen mucho Star Wars pub. Well today it begins, timely. It was announced today that the Episode III Trailer will debut during the OC on March 10, and in theatres the following day. I figure this is an attempt to boost the OC from its sophmore slump, well it may not be slumping in anyway other than creatively. The Lucasfilm and 20th Century Fox partnership is finally going the other way also, using Fox's power to push a franchise that shouldn't need anything.

Today I watched Smokey and the Bandit for the first time unedited. I really love that movie. It seems cheesy and goofy to like a Burt Reynolds movie, but there is good reason this guy was the biggest actor of the early eighties. He has a good prescence, and made fun movies. Whenever I watch a movie from the past (at least twenty years) I want to recast it in my mind for the remake. It may seem unbelieveable, but pre-Soderburgh Ocean's 11 I thought it would be great to remake with almost the exact cast in the key roles.

I can't figure for the life of me why some movies get made or why some get remade, but let's do this for just a second. Imagine remaking Smokey and the Bandit. Okay, I know already this is a bad idea, but I can smell it in the future. Based on the future success of the Dukes of Hazzard, and a revitalization of car chases on southern dirt roads, and Burt Reynolds The Longest Yard coming back this summer, I figure this is the next progression. Its just a matter of who will be attached to direct, Todd Phillips (Old School, Starsky and Hutch, The Six Million Dollar Man) or F. Gary Gray ( Italian Job I and II and Be Cool). I'm leaning towards Todd Phillips, now the next major mountain is getting The Bandit. I only have one man in mind: Matthew McConaughey. He has everything Burt Reynolds did but with more. Sally Field's role will be played by either Sandra Bullock or Brittney Murphy. I figure the guy driving the truck either needs to be a country music star or from Texas. I offer Steve Zahn or Toby Keith. Its about time for him to jump so far past the shark its stupifying. I could see disaster with Kid Rock. Now for the other key ingredient; Smokey.

So here's the deal Jackie Gleason stole this movie. He was hilarious, and surly. John Goodman isn't quite old enough. Jack Nicholson is too big. I'm hitting a wall here. I've got Peter Boyle or Gene Hackman or Albert Brooks. What to do? I don't know it will come to me.

Idol tonight. I was happy with a few performances last night. Bo Bice seemed overrated but whatever. I just wish Scott would blaze some Mach 3 across that thing he calls a beard. Still pulling for Anwar. Tonight I am looking forward to Celena Rae, she needs a comeback, Aloha, Nadia, and my two faves. Carrie Underwood and the slightly insane Mikalah Gordon. What is with her? My buddy Hap says she is the Danny Almonte of American Idol. I think she birthed Danny. I am not pulling for Lindsay Cardinale. I don't like Julia D'Matto nor her clone.

Seacrest Out


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