Friday, March 30, 2007

Warming Warm Glow

Not much to write about, but I will mention a couple of things:

Why is it that I read gossip about Bruce Willis, and a 10 year old suicide attempt story about Halle Barry? Oh they have a movie coming out. Neat.

Listen, I don't know how else to say this, but I truly feel there is only one good show on the main four television stations. 30 Rock is the only good show on tv, at least this year. Currently in second place is My Name is Earl. I like The Office, but it has sucked royally this year. I was holding that back. It feels good to let it out. Last night and many too many other nights I sit there and wonder what in the world do I watch on TV.

Here is your answer:
Monday-Nothing=Food Network, the Hills on?
Tuesday-Nothing=Food Network, National the Hills on?
Wednesday-Nothing=Food Network, History the Hills on?
Thursday-My Name is Earl, The Oraffice (you're welcome M.Scott), 30 Rock
Friday-Doesn't Bear Grylls show come on tonight? Not anymore. Nothing what's on Turner Classic Movies
Sunday-Sports, 60 Minutes

I watch a bunch of TV, but I really don't either. If someone asks, Did you see (24, Lost, The Soprano's, Veronica Mars, Batlle Star Galactica, American Idol (okay I watch Idol, I forgot, tells you how much I care for it) etc.) I usually say nope, don't watch it. Don't care.

I will however submit that there are some shows I love when they are on. Besides the aforementioned 30 Rock, I heart Top Chef (probably like discovering gold to me) Laguna Beach, and Dinner for Five. I will drop everything I'm doing, or schedule around these shows.

Anyway enough about TV, its always sucked, but this time I'm taking action. Instead of watching I don't. Used to be I'd sit there glazed. Not anymore. I value the power of the internet, and the dozen or so books I've purchased but haven't cracked. So I read more, both online and in print. I have completed 3 books this year, and have promised I will read a book a month. That's fair for a borderline lip reader.

I also need to admit that I have recently, and on the advice of a close music buddy, started to jam with Built to Spill. Totally excellent. Loving it.

Where is Ann Curry been?

Some Modern Jazz Quartet:

Django, Bag's Groove, Newk's Fadeaway-with Sonny Rollins

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Today I am continuing the moving process, I hate moving. It's terrible. You have to box up all of your crap and carry it to another place to inevitably do it all over again. Today, yesterday, tomorrow and the day after that, moving or boxing, or throwing it all away.

My favorite part...driving it from here to there, and spending time unloading all that garbage you just packed only to unload it again.

There are two reasons I would want to be filthy rich. I want to own a beach house, and I want to either never move, pay some one to do the move, or abandon all my stuff and buy new stuff whenever I would feel like moving. Oh and of course peace on earth.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Most Trusted Name in News

CNN did a solid good job in hiring Brianna Keilar. Its nice to see someone of her age do so well for herself so soon. At, I believe 27, she might rank as the youngest anchor on any of the cable or network news stations. I've been a fan, for about two years when she began with CBS. Of course CBS didn't really use her enough, and when opportunity called she moved to Atlanta.

I figured they may have only reporter plans, but much better than expected she's behind the desk and it she wears it well. I really keep a close eye on stuff like this, and to be honest CNN needed some young good looking women. If guys like me need to watch Fox news to enjoy our news, we've got problems. Don't get me wrong, I love most of the previous CNN anchors, but our profile wasn't complete. Now were good.

Enough of my disgusting problems.

It looks like my move back to Charleston will happen as scheduled, circa the first week in April. I cannot think of a better time. Just before the summer, while spring is in full bloom. I love the Holy City and have missed it dearly over the last 16 months. Better still I'll be spliting a house in a neighborhood, rather than slumming it in a complex like I've had to do the last six years....six years. Ugh.

All Alone and an Easy Target....Fighters of Foo
No Surprises...Radiohead
Lua...Bright Eyes
Put Your Hands on Me Baby...Joss Stone (I like this one, but the rest of the album, I don't know)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Do I lose credibility if I don't love the Arcade Fire? Is that like saying Sonic Youth sucks...cause they do. I'm sorry I just don't get your indie band. Some of them, I like Ambulance LTD. I like the New Pornographers, and Calexico. I just cannot get into any of the Arcade Fire's albums. Certain songs are good, but for the most part, I don't mope around all day.

It's probably worse though that I like some seriously horrid pop like Abba, or The Association...

If Sanjayah doesn't get kicked off of American Idol tonight will that girl cry? Or will she cry if he does get kicked off? Women, their emotions are so complex and difficult to define. I guess I'd cry if I could see the Clash....matter of fact, I'm crying now because I can't.

Monday, March 19, 2007


This is the bicentennial post. Oooh Ahhhh Ohhhhh...

Listen, I don't mind admitting that I enjoy the occasional browse of Single White Females on MySpace. I'm only slightly embarrassed by this. I'm no chicken hawk and I'm certainly no tranny, so I figure I'm a minority on the site, I'm there to help the demographics.

Actually to be honest, I like looking for people I know, while looking at pictures of hot chicks from my neighborhood..sue me. While were being honest I like looking at photos on Flickr of bands, and cities I've visited. I'm sick, I know I'm me.

But what really is this message about. It's about the crappy things people do on myspace. Actually its more like the criteria I use to eliminate pages to look at.

First of course I put in my physical specs, and then its about gut feeling based on that little photo. That photo, girls, is crucial. Do not post one of your dog. Put that sexy one like all the other girls. We all know its your best one. That accidental web cam shot, or that late night pic at the bar. Of course others live by a completely different mantra. They have the specially designed myspace photo. The one by the fireplace, or in the yard next to the weeping willow. My personal favorite are the stripper shots. Hootchie dress and red all akimbo...

Once I've navigated the hot from the wannabe's its all about page design and music choice. I've landed on numerous sites that girls have with black backgrounds, spiderwebs, unicorns, pegasus, pentagrams, Gandolf, and you play some of the best AFI garbage. Immediately hit the back button. Or there are the girls, with the boring plain layout and the gawd awful hipity hop beat crushing my speakers. I love the lithe little girls in the bikini with a big ol' drink in her hand and Chingy on her page. UGH. Nothing makes me hit the back button quicker than that....the goth chick has a better chance. Your myspace page ain't the club.

The coup de gras though is the line where the girl lists income. So often I see $150,000 +. Yeah. First this is a line that should never be answered. Second you should give your income, not a desired income from the Mat Kearney fans out there. Third, don't list your real income. I know what a kindergarten teacher makes, and sorry Charlie it is nowhere near $50,000.

I love the girls that put $150,000+. Most are unemployed and have six damn kids photo'ed with kills me that they don't do something about that.

I'll tell you what else bothers me. That Tom guy.

Posters...Jack Johnson
Little Martha...The Allman Brothers Band

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Green Grow the Rushes

Happy St. Patrick's Day...etc.

I typically stop by here to rant and rave. Today is no exception, but rather an explanation. I think I've grown up.

Yesterday I couldn't wait to see the news. Not unusual, I follow the news closely and daily. I wanted however to see Valerie Plame Wilson's testimony. I think she is about as hot anything I've seen lately. I don't think of her as a MILF fantasy, I think she's hot. I used to categorize women ten years older than me as old or milf's or what have you. Plame is just hot, but it made me realize I don't do that category thing least not in that direction.

I'm getting a little scared as I work this out, but girls 18-22 don't do it for me like a woman of say 34. I never thought I'd say must be amiss. Weird...
Right now I am crushing on Norah Jones, Heather Graham, Valerie Plame, etc. This might find some as bizarre, but for me its kinda par for the course. I love who Norah Jones and Heather Graham are, simply not type cast, or commercial. Although we can argue Norah Jones being commercial, she is, but its more of how she handles it. She's sold nearly as many albums as Britney Spears...did you know that? And you wouldn't by the way she handles it would you? That's what I'm talking about.
Plame on the other hand is like Agent Dana Scully. If I saw her in the local farmers market with jeans and a t-shirt she'd be hot, but it gets juiced knowing she was a CIA agent. It's just cooler.
I mentioned to my buddies that I dream of her busting into my bunker as I sell secrets to the Russkies...
Let me do some music for you and go.
Days of the Week, Stone Temple Pilots
Company in my Back, Wilco
Fine Line, Radney Foster
Down By the River, Neil Young, but find the live version from his new record at Massey Hall
Wultizer Prize, Norah Jones..tribute to Waylon Jennings
Buenas Noches from a Lonely Room, Dwight Yoakum
that ought to carry you until next time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

REM in the RRHOF

I think I've found a reason to watch American Idol. I can't remember her name, but I'm watching for her...Doolittle, Melinda Doolittle. I saw her performance last week and can't wait to watch her sing again. I'm looking for an excuse to watch. I love the judges and Seacrest...I might be the only one that watches to see their interplay, but I do. And I love the theatre shows...

I'm doing a lot of live music downloading lately. I'm thinking of getting a Euro-Van, and a dancing bear sticker. Actually I've been into My Morning Jacket, and Wilco for a little while and wanted to increase my live show catalog. I think I'm gonna work on getting some Derek Trucks, and Robert Randolph....

I did see the latest Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductions. The only band I would have wanted to see perform was Van Halen, with David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar. Preferably Diamond Dave of course. It would be a boon to see those guys thrash up their to Hot for Teacher or You Really Got Me. I'd like to see REM one of my favorite bands growing up, but they wouldn't play Monty Got a Raw Deal, or Seven Chinesse Brothers, or Superman or even Losing My Religion...they'd find a way to play E-Bow the Letter, and something from Reveal.

As weird as Michael Stipe is, I still love that character. He's extremely eccentric and other worldly talented, but a Straight Southern White Male cannot show admiration in public for Michael Stipe.

I honestly never knew that Starbucks was named after a character in Moby Dick...go figure...

Monty Got a Raw (MF'n) Deal
Wake Up Bomb
Perfect Circle
Gardening at Night....REM

Which incidentally does not stand for Retired English Majors it is for Rapid Eye Movement...

Sunday, March 11, 2007


We might need to stop and pay attention to what is happening in the film industry this week. 300 is set to do massive box office. I haven't seen final numbers, but look for it to have a top 10 weekend of all time. Actually it very well may have a top 3 weekend of all time. It is doing scary good business.

Wondering why, well it's been chatted about amongst the comic book kids for about a year now, when the first images popped up. Since then each have decided to make sure they catch the film. I personally felt like a big weekend was coming, but am really surprised at how well its gonna do. I thought $50 million would be accurate. Currently has it at $70. I didn't look any further, I had to place my opinion down. It could be with Sunday estimates included, but that seems a bit premature, so if this is a two day total, I'd be willing to bet you see a $90-$100 million weekend. Placing it in the top 5 all time.

Not good if you like the small emotional drama, with natural lighting and character actors....

I'm looking forward to seeing 300, I like seeing these over the top movies with extreme visuals, but I'm worried we will have much lesser copycats.

Anyway....its time for basketball obsession.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Man at His Best

I've gotten to a point where high speed cable isn't fast enough.

Much slower is Esquire Magazine. It sits there and doesn't move all month long. Not true. I subscribe to Esquire and like it a ton. I look forward to each issue, but this month has out done itself. Two of my favorite issues are The Esky Awards (music related) and the Most Dubious Achievement Awards (stupid people, news of the weird usually like 10 pages)...

Anyway this month, besides the usual Answer Fella (dumb guys ask if its weird that they eat hot dogs dipped in ants while wearing blue high heels) Stacey Grenlock Woods Sex Advice, Food, Clothes, and Culture, with a nice Chuck Klosterman essay about metal and basketball mixed in for good measure. This time around they've included some great Esky's, a bit about the totally craveable Isla Fisher, an interesting article about the soot or dust or air disruption at ground zero on 9-11, and article about Chuck Hagel, and my favorite pitcher Barry Zito (just as I'm ready to publicly announce my divorce from the SF Giants, an18 year relationship, they tug me back in by signing a real pitcher. Not to mention a little pub for one of my five favorite bands Kings of Leon.

Well I've got some reading to do, but I highly recommend this month's copy if nothing else, it can serve as your introduction.

Kick Push...Lupe Fiasco
Pop Song 89..REM
Shambala...Beastie Boys

Monday, March 05, 2007

Get Your Motor Running

Did anyone notice the box office numbers this weekend?

Truly remarkable. I am astounded once a year at a weekend, or a film. This year it hit early and maybe it will be often. I have an extensive knowledge just short of expert on this subject, including doing enough research and attempting to writing a book on the subject. I have my background info, and some six or eight movies attended with pure cash as the reason. If I put everything together I feel about 100 pages short of doing exactly what I wanted to do, unfortunately I wasn't as committed as necessary and stopped going to the experiments.

Anyway I have some knowledge of this, and consider it a hobby to follow the numbers. Wild Hogs did serious business. It was a best case scenario $25 million weekend. Most of the experts will tell you it opened on a usually lousy week, and with a pretty decent cast and nearly no competition. So $25 mil. looked do-able, and really very respectable. It would be a coup to do any more than this. It knocked home $38 million. $13 million over expectations. When was the last time you achieved your quota by an extra 50%. I guess if you thought you could eat 2 tacos and actually ate 3 that would qualify. But I bet if you had to sell 10,000 pencils and you told someone you sold 15,000 they might give you a promotion.

Well this was stunning. $38 million weekends are not easy this time of year, and not easy for 50 year old men. This marked Travolta's best opening (hard to believe) and Tim Allen's best non-animation (also hard to believe considering the Santa Clause movies, unless there is something that qualifies it differently)...The worst part, now we probably get a sequel. Its like City Slickers 2 meets Easy Jack Palance...we'll get Dennis Hopper...oy vey

So I've been screwing you on music.

Put Your Hands on Me: Joss Stone (not released, should be out there somewhere for you, love this track, love this chick)

Off He Goes, Pearl Jam...find this from the live acoustic disc, Beynora Hall ( I butchered the spelling)

Set Adrift on Memory Bliss...PM still rocks

Smiley Faces...Gnarls Barkley (not a big fan of the parts better than the sum)

Soothe Me...Sam and Dave

Phone Went West...My Morning Jacket

In the Red

I have never been to Walter Reed Hospital, and I have to assume that many US citizens have not. I would assume also that we would have an opinion of the conditions at the hospital, whether good or bad upon visiting. Why then, have President Bush, Sen. Hillary Clinton, Jay Leno, Tom Brokaw, Tommy Thompson, Colin and Condolezza all been to Walter Reed (some are assumptions) and not had a problem with conditions? Would not President Bush or Hillary Clinton use their power, maybe in opposite efforts, to make some things happen? Bush behind the scenes could have ordered an immediate overhaul of rooms or a 100% increase in staff...I don't believe for a second that public opinion would find its way against him.

I bring this up because I worry that this country is setting itself up for bankrupcy. Our health care system is an absolute disaster. We are going to be overwhelmed with vets from this war coupled with our baby boomer retirement surge set to begin 1-2008. I'm freaking out a little after seeing Daniel Walker on 60 Minutes last night screaming about the same problems. Walker is the cheif ombudsman for the US and he is throwing up a red flag about these exact problems. Luckily Mitt Romney has been calling attention to this spending issue during his campaign as well, we need the attention.

I'm devoting my vote in 2008 to the person that will equally protect and support environmental issues, protecting the country from the extreme spending, while solving the problems of caring for our vets and seniors without a loss in quality, and it wouldn't hurt if they favor stem cell research.

We're gonna need to make some serious bank...hopefully there is a solution.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Diane Kruger and Joyeux Noel

I forgot to post my quick two cents on Joyeux Noel, or Merry Christmas. Very interesting movie certainly recommended. Story of French, German, and Scottish trench soldiers during the Great War on the eve of Christmas. I don't want to give anything away, but it's a really beautiful film...

I read bits about it previously, and really like Diane Kruger so I checked it out. Let me just establish myself as a Diane Kruger obsessive. She is the hottest thing yet to be big. National Treasure I assume can be called her breakout role, but it hasn't yet paid off. She needs more screen time and to earn her chops, but when she does, she's the type that has everlasting looks.
I think this is proof. She did play Helen of Troy in Troy. So I guess I'm not totally alone in thinking 1000 ships seems about right.

Book It!

What are we coming to? Do you remember Pizza Hut's program Book It. Each month after you completed a book, you received a free pizza at Pizza Hut. An incentive that many kids, including myself used to complete some books. Well of course this is the 90's...some group thinks this is a bad idea and we are teaching kids bad eating habits.

Three things should be noted. I read a bundle of sports biographies. They may have been fifteen pages on Robin Yount, or 24 pages on Magic Johnson, but I was reading...maybe some were Choose Your Own Adventure Billy and the Treasure at Blowing Rock (good title)...but I was reading.

Another thing is, yes Pizza Hut pizza is quite possibly the most disgusting greasy junk food I can imagine. But they have improved their menu since 1985. The thin and hand tossed pizzas are probably not as bad for you as the horrible, Pan Pizza.

Finally, let's just remember this is a reward to kids. A piece of greasy garbage once a month is not going to destroy the child. What will is the 5th Avenue Bar he jams down his fat throat while he reads. Or maybe just maybe his parents can establish what a balanced diet is, and what a treat or reward is.

I swear I'm going to become a card carrying republican just so I can always rail on these groups...and I wanna prove to Ann Coulter I'm more man than John Edwards.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hodge Podge

American Idol I am divorcing you citing boredom. I didn't watch last night and really haven't the urge to find out what has or will happen.

This movie Wild Hogs pitched itself as City Slickers on motorcycles. You will find that I love this stuff. I'm looking forward to seeing Zodiac tomorrow, as a serial killer enthusiast and David Fincher fan this has been on the radar for awhile. Besides it stars Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo two of my favorites. Zodiac, by the way is like Summer of Sam with a heart.

I forgot to say how much I loved Wes Anderson's AmEx commercial during the Oscars. I would very much like to see it again. I remember it being one continuous I right?

I figure tomorrow will be an interesting news day, tornados aplenty here in the south, so CNN will don the ball caps and rain slickers and get down to 'Bama for some gritty field coverage.

Looking back I do not in the least regret not watching The Sopranos, Lost or 24.

Are we going to look back at this current global warming issue as a little boy crying wolf. I'm involved in the climate change response, I change lightbulbs to the energy effecient type after each dies, I do not wash anything with warm water, I don't drive if I don't have to. Now I drive a lot so don't think I've started walking to the grocery store. I walk to the Post Office, and to get my paper. I also try to educate. Hybrid won't be far away.

more later

Ain't Wastin' Time No More...Allman Brothers